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The Yarn (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Manuel LLaser
THEYARN )  Trick
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"A very classic effect brought up to date in an extremely clean way. " -Paul Romhany, !VanishMagazine
The "No way!" signed bill in ball of wool

A spectator's SIGNED bill vanishes and reappears tied at the end of a ball of wool!
  • The ball of wool is in the spectator's hand since the beginning of the show.
  • The bill is really SIGNED by the spectator.
  • The spectator himself unties the signed bill from the end of the yarn.
  • He also unfolds the bill and checks his signature.
  • The ball of wool is in sight the whole time, in a clear glass, while unwinding the yarn.
2 bonus super effects:

1. Confabulation/Headline Prediction
2. Any Card Called For

Ideal for close-up, parlor, and stage.
Packs small and plays big.
Includes gimmick.
Download video with live performance.
Step-by-step explanation.

Get The Yarn and fry your audiences!