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Paul Harris Presents SLR Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands (DVD, Slim bands) by Paul Harris
R: $35.00
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"...if you are thinking of adding or enhancing a linked rubber band routine to your magic repertoire, this is the time to do so, as you’ll never find a better set of examinable linked rubber bands (that you can give out as a keepsake) than the SLR Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands." -Payne Fifield, M-U-M Magazine
The perfect piece of rubber strange has finally been perfected. Pre-made examinable sets of linked bands that you can easily afford to give away as an impossible souvenir.

You've got to watch the demo to see how simple and stunning the complete linking bands performance plays out. You comment that wealthy collectors pay thousands of dollars for a unique impossibly strange object. You then attempt to make one of these rare collectables with your bare hands.

You hand out two loose single bands to be examined. You then display the two single bands at your fingertips...then have someone press two of the loose strands together.

The two bands link while still in her fingers!

She rubs the linked bands..and they melt apart, unlinking into two loose bands.

She squeezes the loose bands together one last time. She never lets go...never let's them out of her sight...and they link again,and stay linked! You let her keep this rare astonishing collectable. And of course she'll always remember where it came from.

Complete with self-working switch and optional handlings.
  • Includes SLR Slim bands - 20 linked sets and 20 singles.
  • Inexpensive refills available.
  • Heavy-duty bands for extra visibility and strength.
  • Perfect as a finale for Crazy Man's handcuffs or just about any rubber band effect.
  • Practical for just about all performing situations.
  • DVD features performances and explanations by Joe Russell.
Running Time Approximately 35min