Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.
Imagine no more... If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's most enduring and classic effects and routines. It's a fabulous compendium with many of the top masters in the world of magic teaching their handlings and routines for some of magic's classics. Linking rings, sponge balls, metal bending, cups and balls, thumb tips, Zombie, color-changing knives, and many, many more topics are all gathered in this one terrific DVD reference set. Each volume covers a specific subject and features new, old, and sometimes rare footage by some of the top video producers in magic.
The expanded shell coin is one of the close-up magician's greatest utility gimmicks but unfortunately, many magicians have never really explored the full potential of this precision-machined and very powerful item.
On this volume, you'll see some of magic's most original performers demonstrate the amazing variety of ways that this single tool can be used to create completely different and magical effects.
Using the expanded shell, you'll be able to cause coins to invisibly travel, as ably demonstrated by David Roth, Michael Ammar, Mark Leveridge and Jon Allen or even make imaginary coins move like Garrett Thomas. You'll also be able to make coins penetrate straight through solid object, as performed and taught by David Roth, or even penetrate through other coins like Dan Harlan. Combine all of that with some completely different ideas from Harry Allen and the versatile Mr. Roth and you'll never look at expanded shell coins quite the same way again.
Believe us when we say that there is a world of magic in a simple expanded shell coin and these world-class performers are your perfect tour guides.
DAVID ROTHCoins Across - Coin Through Glass
Coins Through Table - Photo Coins
Perfected Coin Through Handkerchief
DAN HARLANRising Dough
Slo Mo
JON ALLENCoins Across (Courtesy of Murphy's Magic Inc)
GARRETT THOMASImagination Coins
Running Time Approximately 1hr 46min