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Apprentice Magic Tricks:

• Receive High-Quality, Time-Tested Effects • Comes With Video Instructions • Includes A Story To Go With Your Performance
Perform the classic "Cutting a person in half" Illusion, However instead of using a real person, you use a playing card.

ZIG ZAG is a SUPER VISUAL and easy to do magic trick!

Perform Miracles Quickly And Easily.

Share The Laughter And Joy Of Magic.
You put a penny on a tray to lure THE LEPRECHAUN. You capture the invisible leprechaun and penny under a clear cup. You ask someone to lend you a dime. You place it on the cup and cover it with your hand. In the blink of an eye, the leprechaun leaps up and grabs the dime THROUGH THE SOLID CUP!

New To Magic?

See How Easy It Is To Blow Your Friend's And Family's Minds!
Perform the classic illusion of SOLD THROUGH SOLID! You show a solid coin, eight spikes and a SPIKER box! You place the coin into the box and place the lid on top. Next you push the eight solid spikes through the box penetrating the coin! When you take the spikes out and open the lid you see the coin is 100% unharmed!

Already A Magician?

Perfect For Kids' Gifts, Holidays, Goodie Bags And Party Upsells.
You tell the story of a treasure hunter that found a rare and special coin on a pedestal in an ancient cave. He takes the coin and places it in his pocket and runs out of the cave. When he reaches the outside the coin in his pocket is shown to have VANISHED and is found BACK ON THE PEDESTAL!
A VERY fun and easy trick to perform and learn!


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