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Apprentice Magic Tricks:

• Receive High-Quality, Time-Tested Effects • Comes With Video Instructions • Includes A Story To Go With Your Performance
You show three different colored Mummies and a Sarcophagus. You tell a story of three Egyptian Queens. You leave the room and a spectator places one of the Mummies into the sarcophagus.

You return and you immediately know which
Mummy Queen they placed inside!

Perform Miracles Quickly And Easily.

Share The Laughter And Joy Of Magic.
You show a mysterious timepiece. A spectator SECRETLY sets it to ANY TIME in the future. While your back is turned the timepiece is placed inside THE TIME MACHINE by your spectator. Then, it is handed back to you. You then travel into the past and divulge time they had chosen moments earlier!

New To Magic?

See How Easy It Is To Blow Your Friend's And Family's Minds!
You show a stack of four nickels. Next, you place them into THE VAULT! When your spectator lifts the vault door they will find the four nickels have magically changed into four DIMES!

Your money has DOUBLED in value!

Already A Magician?

Perfect For Kids' Gifts, Holidays, Goodie Bags And Party Upsells.
You place a coin on a black mat and stack the two rings around the coin and cover all with a "?" disk, making a "Haunted House"! You ask the ghost in the 'house' to take the coin away! You lift the "roof" off of the rings and the coin has completely VANISHED!

You place the disk back on the rings and invite the ghost to return the coin. You lift the rings and the disk and the coin has magically RETURNED!


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