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Art of Magic Bruno Jean IRIART Chris Brown Crazy Jokers
Francesco Ceriani Joao Miranda Magic Murphy's Magic Productions Murphy's Studio
Murphy's Swag Paul Harris Richard Sanders Tango Magic
The 1914 Tune2Magic SHOP, LLC Vernet Magic
Rune's World: The Magic of Rune Klan - Book (RUNESWORLD) Book, Advanced
Rune's World is a departure from any magic book you've read. Part instruction, part theory, part graphic novel, this new volume by Joshua Jay will challenge you to think in new ways, about new possib...
R: $60.00
Pair Up by Nikolas Mavresis
Pair Up by Nikolas Mavresis (PAIRUP) Trick, Beginner
Turn a fun and interactive game into a memorable magical experience! In PAIR-UP, you introduce two packets featuring the names of famous duos - legendary pairs known for their unique connection. Two s...
R: $24.95
Item Family
Michael Skinner's Ultimate 3 Card Monte
This is the perfect way to elevate your parlor and stage shows with the self-working miracle that has dazzled close-up audiences for years!
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Bicycle Colors by Jordan Victoria (+ 11 routines)
Thanks to the Bicycle Colors, you'll never hesitate to perform for kids again!
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WGM GYPSY THREAD (UV GLOW) by Murphy's Magic
This is the best Thread you have EVER worked with!
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Item Code
Yellow (Refill)WGM_GYPSY_RE$15.00
Green (Refill)WGM_GYPSY_RE_GRN$15.00
Orange (Refill)WGM_GYPSY_RE_ORG$15.00
Pink (Refill)WGM_GYPSY_RE_PNK$15.00
Item Family
Temple Screen by Murphy's Magic
Perfect for magicians of all skill levels, the Temple Screens are designed to entertain all types of audiences. The seamless transformation and astonishing reveals will leave your audience in awe.
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Bob Neale
Bob Neale's Everyone Symbol Deck (EVERYONESYM) Trick, No Skill Required
About the Everyone Symbol Deck Bob Neale's whole-audience routine "Just Imagine" was published in the celebrated 2021 book, Magic Inside Out. The routine requires a deck of 32 cards with symbols on th...
R: $39.95
Ultimate Oil and Water (Gimmicks, Online Instructions and Special Cards) by Anthony Owen - Trick
Ultimate Oil and Water (Gimmicks, Online Instructions and Special Cards) by Anthony Owen - Trick (ULTIMATEOIL) Trick, Intermediate
The fairest, most baffling Oil and Water routine you'll ever see. Discover why Derren Brown and David Berglas believe "Ultimate Oil and Water" by Anthony Owen is one of the best versions of the plot e...
R: $29.95
The Big Blind (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Craig Petty
The Big Blind (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Craig Petty (CHIPSPETTY) Trick, Beginner
Three Poker Chips. One Perfect PredictionCraig Petty is back with another jackpot, walkaround miracle! Picture this: 3 poker chips are out on the table. You ask somebody to think of any playing card. ...
R: $49.95
Magic Growing Sponge Ball RED by Murphy
Magic Growing Sponge Ball RED by Murphy's Magic (MMSSBGB_RED) Trick, Beginner
Prepare for a fun and mind-blowing transformation that will captivate any audience! You start with a standard sponge ball, casually placing it into your hand. With no tricky moves or sleight of hand, ...
R: $7.95
Item Family
Magic Sponge Balls by Murphy's Magic
Ultra-soft, richly colored sponges are unmatched by any other on the market.
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Item Code
BluePack of 41.5"MMSSBBLU_15$5.00
BlackPack of 41"MMSSBBLK_1$5.00
BlackPack of 42"MMSSBBLK_2$5.00
BlackPack of 41.5"MMSSBBLK_15$5.00
BlackPack of 43"MMSSBBLK_3$7.95
OrangePack of 41"MMSSBORG_1$5.00
OrangePack of 41.5"MMSSBORG_15$5.00
OrangePack of 42"MMSSBORG_2$5.00
OrangePack of 43"MMSSBORG_3$7.95
RedPack of 41"MMSSBRED_1$5.00
RedPack of 41.5"MMSSBRED_15$5.00
RedPack of 42"MMSSBRED_2$5.00
RedPack of 43"MMSSBRED_3$7.95
GreenPack of 41"MMSSBGRN_1$5.00
GreenPack of 41.5"MMSSBGRN_15$5.00
GreenPack of 42"MMSSBGRN_2$5.00
GreenPack of 43"MMSSBGRN_3$7.95
YellowPack of 41"MMSSBYEL_1$5.00
YellowPack of 41.5"MMSSBYEL_15$5.00
YellowPack of 42"MMSSBYEL_2$5.00
YellowPack of 43"MMSSBYEL_3$7.95
BluePack of 41"MMSSBBLU_1$5.00
BluePack of 42"MMSSBBLU_2$5.00
BluePack of 43"MMSSBBLU_3$7.95
Magic Sponge MR DONG by Murphy
Magic Sponge MR DONG by Murphy's Magic (MMSSBDD) Trick, Beginner
Mr. Dong takes the classic sponge ball effect and adds a playful twist with an unexpected and humorous reveal. The routine builds up the suspense and surprise, making the final moment a... memorable ...
R: $12.00
Item Family
Magic Color Changing Sponge Ball to Square by Murphy's Magic
These ingenious gimmicks will take your sponge ball routines to the next level.
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Magic Sponge Bunny Rabbit Set (Red) by Murphy
Magic Sponge Bunny Rabbit Set (Red) by Murphy's Magic (MMSSBBUNRAB) Trick, Beginner
You start by showing two sponge rabbits to your spectator. One rabbit is placed in their hand, while the other rabbit goes into your pocket. The spectator closes their hand, and with a magic gesture, ...
R: $5.95
Item Family
Magic Sponge Ball to Square RED by Murphy's Magic
This amazing trick is self-working and requires no sleight of hand!
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Magic Color Changing Sponge Balls 2" by Murphy
Magic Color Changing Sponge Balls 2" by Murphy's Magic (MMS_SBCC) Trick, Beginner
Get ready for a groundbreaking twist in Sponge Ball magic! MMS is proud to present the Magic Color Changing Sponge Balls! These ingenious gimmicks will take your sponge ball routines to the next leve...
R: $12.00
Item Family
Anniversary Heartz by Jon Allen
Anniversary Heartz is simple to perform and is a perfect routine for weddings and anniversaries. It offers an experience, and keepsake, the couple will cherish forever.
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Anniversary HeartzANNIVHEARTZ$45.00
WonderFob by Jon Allen
WonderFob by Jon Allen (WONDERFOB) Trick, Intermediate
"A wonderful EDC offering mind-bending magic any time."- Kyle Purnell WonderFob is an EDC that gives you the ability to perform several incredible effects: Signed card to keyfob - A freely chosen card...
R: $45.00
Universal Display System by Jon Allen
Universal Display System by Jon Allen (UVD) Trick, No Skill Required
Ensuring your props are visible to your audience is vital to your performance. The Universal Display System is the elegant solution. This modular stand creates multiple displays and holders for your ...
R: $95.00
Milo & Roger by Arthur Brandon
Milo & Roger by Arthur Brandon (MILOROGER) Book, Beginner
A magical life!Milo & Roger were one of the greatest comedy magic acts of the twentieth century! Two boys from poor families, Arthur Brandon and Roger Coker, followed a shared passion...bringing ...
R: $42.50
The Different One by Iñaki Zabaletta
The Different One by Iñaki Zabaletta (DIFFERENTONE) Trick, Intermediate
Effect:The magician places a red card in a blue deck. He asks the spectator to think of a card, to everyone's surprise it turns out to be the one of a different color. The magician proposes to repeat ...
R: $39.00
Haydn (Second Edition Composers) Playing Cards
Haydn (Second Edition Composers) Playing Cards (CARDSHAYDN) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
Franz Joseph Haydn Playing Cards, designed by SixtyFourPlayingCards, is a unique and elegant deck of playing cards for collectors, where the protagonist is one of the greatest Composers of classical a...
R: $18.00
Item Family
Matrix 360 by Mickael Chatelain
The trick is very visual, clean and amazing effect!
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Fantasy Playing Cards by Art of Play
Fantasy Playing Cards by Art of Play (CARDSFANT) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
Journey through a mythical world of magic with 54 original illustrations that transform traditional playing card composition into an adventure story featuring fantastical beasts from another world. Fa...
R: $25.00
Orpheus by Phedon Bilek
Orpheus by Phedon Bilek (ORPHEUS) Book, Intermediate
"In Phedon's usual style, every single detail is meticulously explained so that the reader gains a full understanding of all of the underlying principles at play. No stone is left unturned, and there ...
R: $256.00
Michigan Euchre Playing Cards by Midnight Cards
Michigan Euchre Playing Cards by Midnight Cards (CARDSMICH_EU) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
MICHIGAN EUCHRE DECK: Popular in many parts of the world, especially the American Midwest, Euchre is a trick-taking card game most commonly played with four people - two teams of two. The house-divide...
R: $9.95
Sleights Playing Cards by EmilySleights52
Sleights Playing Cards by EmilySleights52 (CARDSSLEIGHTS) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
5 years ago on 11/11 at 11:11 EmilySleightsr52 created and produced her very first deck of playing cards: 11th Hour. Now, for $11.11, get a deck of cards that is part of EmilySleights52 history. Print...
R: $11.11
Caution: It is prohibited from being used for non-magic purposes. Informs you that you are responsible for any non-magic use. Let me introduce you to the extreme magic of using a mobile phone that ma...
R: $99.95
Item Family
Bigblindmedia Presents Snowstorm In Chicago by Tom Dobrowolski
Tom Dobrowolski's 'Snowstorm in Chicago' is the perfect 'mini act' in one compact routine. It builds across multiple phases, presents a TON of magic and then ends with the greatest kicker you can imagine.
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Examinable Box by Blake Vogt
Examinable Box by Blake Vogt (EXAMINBOX) Trick, Intermediate
Magician shows an empty box to the audience and asks someone to examine the box. The question is: "Make sure there are no trap doors, mirrors, decks of cards, or mirrors..." The magician then causes t...
R: $75.00
Elf Playing Cards by theory11
Elf Playing Cards by theory11 (ELF_THEORY11) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
There's room for everyone on the Nice List! Premium playing cards inspired by the iconic, timeless holiday movie Elf.Santa?! I Know Him! Treat Every Day Like Christmas Get ready to add a dash of holid...
R: $12.95
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
The Magic of Johnny Thompson (MAGICJOHNNY) Book
One of the most sought after two-book collections has finally been reprinted. Back in 2018, Jamy Ian Swiss and Magicana collaborated on the release of The Magic of Johnny Thompson. This remarkable two...
R: $249.95
2024 Cardistry Con of China Holo Playing Cards by Bacon Magic
2024 Cardistry Con of China Holo Playing Cards by Bacon Magic (CARDSHOLO2024) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
The 2024 Cardistry-Con of China Playing Cards is a premium, limited-edition deck designed for collectors and cardistry enthusiasts. With holographic foil on pearlescent paper, the deck shines differe...
R: $20.00
FMPX (Fusion Mosaic Phenomenon) Standard Edition Playing Cards
FMPX (Fusion Mosaic Phenomenon) Standard Edition Playing Cards (CARDSFMPX_STD) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
Fusion Mosaic Phenomenon is an incredible new concept in magic and mentalism, combining a number of fascinating principles together to create a powerful, easy mentalism effect that finishes with an u...
R: $45.50
The Particle System (Regular Edition) by Joshua Jay
The Particle System (Regular Edition) by Joshua Jay (PARTICLESYS) Book, Beginner
The Particle System is Joshua Jay's groundbreaking contribution to the world of memorized deck magic. As the name implies, this is not just another stack, but rather a complete system that is more pr...
R: $99.95
Focus by Craig Petty
Focus by Craig Petty (FOCUSPETTY) Trick, Beginner
Craig Petty & Phil Smith are BACK with quite possibly their most devious and powerful collaboration yet. This absolute blockbuster combines both Magic and Mentalism to create one of the most versa...
R: $39.95
Item Family
FROGGY 2.0 by Erick White
Erick White has created an improved version of our first version of froggy, now ready to use out of the box. You just need to fold a card, have a deck of cards and you are ready to amaze them
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Item Code
Blue FROGGY2_BLU$44.95
Item Family
Hide and Seek Wallet by Surya Kumar and Gopal
A sleek and innovative wallet designed to securely store and organize your cards and cash while offering a unique peek feature.
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Relife by Muza Magic x Okky Restyananda
Relife by Muza Magic x Okky Restyananda (RELIFE) Trick, No Skill Required
A card is chosen (seven of Diamonds). The magician shows the Queen of Spades and in an instant, the Queen of Spades is holding (Four of Diamonds) and the wrong prediction. But visually the pips will m...
R: $32.00
Demigod Prediction by Manoj Kaushal
Demigod Prediction by Manoj Kaushal (DEMIGOD) Trick, Beginner
DemiGod Prediction Rewrite Reality... TWICE Not just another mind-reading effect, DemiGod is a breakthrough in prediction magic. Created by the name you already know, Manoj Kaushal, this revolutionary...
R: $29.95
Little Thief by Victor Sanz and Ultrabello
Little Thief by Victor Sanz and Ultrabello (LITTLETHIEF) Trick, Intermediate
Fiction: The king becomes a thief that moves his hand out of the card to rip the corner of the chosen card. H.V.A** magic. We know almost no one reads this. The best description here is the full uncut...
R: $39.95
Rudolph and Friends By Gustavo Sereno and Gee Magic
Rudolph and Friends By Gustavo Sereno and Gee Magic (RUDOLPH) Book, No Skill Required
Welcome to the second book of the book series by Gee Magic. Rudoph and Friends uses a well-known principle that is used in an original and unique way making a very funny and interacting routine for C...
R: $39.95
Coin Balm by Rocco and Roy Kueppers
Coin Balm by Rocco and Roy Kueppers (COINBALM) Trick, Intermediate
Effect: A Chap Stick container is brought into view by the performer and the cap is removed displaying the red (cherry) contents inside. The cap is placed back onto the cylinder and the unit has hande...
R: $49.00
Poker Packet Trick by William Tyrrell
Poker Packet Trick by William Tyrrell (POKERPACKET) Trick, Beginner
A rapid-fire visual masterpiece that will have their eyes popping out of their heads. William Tyrrell is one of the fastest growing stars in magic. His creativity is boundless, and you can experience ...
R: $24.95
Item Family
Easy Palm
Easy Palm will eliminate the problem and allow you to perform your favorite magic without worries.
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Time to Travel by Juan Pablo
Time to Travel by Juan Pablo (TIMETOTRAVEL) Trick, Beginner
Introducing Time to Travel by Juan Pablo, a unique travel experience where the spectator secretly and freely selects a country, an airline, and a seat number.Before the spectator reveals their choices...
R: $70.00
Item Family
Double Mental by Dominique Duvivier
A disturbing and magnificent effect! The spectator and the magician each THINK of a card. The deck is taken out of its case and, unbelievably, BOTH CARDS ARE FOUND NEXT TO EACH OTHER!
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Sole Survivor by Martin Mercy
Sole Survivor by Martin Mercy (SOLESURV) Trick, Beginner
This effect has been taken from the book by Robert Neale and Eugene Burger entitled Magic and Meaning with permission. Neale states in the book that the plot is from Albert Camus' novel, The Plague. T...
R: $35.00
Hookups x Fultons Barrel of a Gun Limited Foil Blood Splatter Edition
Hookups x Fultons Barrel of a Gun Limited Foil Blood Splatter Edition (CARDSHOOKUPS_LMT) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
This limited edition features bright red FOIL BLOOD SPLATTER behind the iconic "Barrel of a Gun" character featured on Hookups Skateboards for close to three decades. Limited to only 500 decks this is...
R: $25.00
Item Family
Line by Chiam Yu Sheng and JT Magic
Line is a novelty visual effect created by Chiam Yu Sheng from Singapore.
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FMPX (Fusion Mosaic Phenomenon) Christmas Edition Playing Cards
FMPX (Fusion Mosaic Phenomenon) Christmas Edition Playing Cards (CARDSFMPX) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
Got gigs this Christmas? Or just want to leave your family and friends speechless around the dinner table? Stop searching for the ultimate seasonal trick-you've found it. Introducing the mind-blowing ...
R: $45.50
Switcharoo by Mitch Geier
Switcharoo by Mitch Geier (SWITCHAROO) Trick, Beginner
"...It's Terrific!" - Harry Allen " I genuinely have never been a fan of electronic magic, but Mitch has designed a reliable piece of magic not only is it fooling, it is also just FUN to perform!" - ...
R: $325.00
Item Family
Paisley Poker Playing Cards by by Dutch Card House Company
Paisley Playing Cards are back, and this time in a vibrant colorway and WITHOUT the marking system. Paisley Poker Edition Playing Cards are perfect for family game nights.
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Item Code
Standard BlueCARDSPAISPOK_BLU$20.00
Standard RedCARDSPAISPOK_RED$20.00
Item Family
Secret Tale Ragnar White Bee Playing Cards
The new fully custom-designed Secret Tale Ragnar Lodbrok.
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Standard Collector'sCARDSSECRET_RAG$25.00
Item Family
The Mirror by Dominique Duvivier
Through a mirror effect, it will be reflected on another card, then disappear and reappear. It is removed it from the deck, but it goes back, once, twice, then a third time... but this time its back has changed color!
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Matrix Edition 2 Playing Cards by Luke Wadey
Matrix Edition 2 Playing Cards by Luke Wadey (CARDSMATR_2) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
Inspired by historic studies of graphic design principles and experimentation, this collection explores the connection between circles that sit on an equal grid, a matrix of circles, and the fluidity ...
R: $15.00
Zak by Bryan Codecasa
Zak by Bryan Codecasa (ZAK) Trick, Intermediate
Zak is not a switcher, but a convincer that will allow you to amplify the strength of your effect with cards, cash, post-it ... Is it possible that the card signed by the spectator is your prediction...
R: $50.00
Christmas Carol Book Test (New Version) by Josh Zandman
Christmas Carol Book Test (New Version) by Josh Zandman (CHRISTCAROL_NEW) Trick, Intermediate
The new version of Christmas Carol is packed with incredible effects! Including the first ever book test with a built-in card at any number! Z.C.A.A.N NEWZandman's Card at Any Number. You don't know t...
R: $75.00
Pop Wheels by Pilato
Pop Wheels by Pilato (POPWHEELS) Trick, Beginner
Discover the magic of Pop Wheels and surprise everyone with a trick that will leave everyone speechless! With Pilato Pop Wheels, magic is within your reach. This incredible empty vial becomes a perfe...
R: $48.00
Item Family
Bicycle Chinese Zodiac Playing Cards
Bicycle Chinese Zodiac inspired by the murals in the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, the twelve zodiac signs are combined with traditional Chinese musical instruments.
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Avengers Playing Cards by theory11
Avengers Playing Cards by theory11
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Blue EditionAVENGERS_BLU$12.95
Green Edition AVENGERS_GRN$12.95
Infinity Saga AVENGERS$12.95
Red Edition AVENGERS_RED$12.95
Lance Mountain. Skateboard legend, artist, and original member of the famed Bones Brigade. Lance has been doing the art for his own skateboards since the 1980s...and lately has been drawing classic s...
R: $20.00
Henry Harrius Presents ESPOJI By Alex Ng
Henry Harrius Presents ESPOJI By Alex Ng (ESPOJI) Trick, Beginner
ESPOJI is a cleverly crafted tool for mind-blowing mentalism miracles, at the same time deviously disguised as a regular deck of Emoji game cards.Rather than kicking off your performance with a tradit...
R: $39.95
Item Family
Eclipse by Dee Christopher and The 1914
Eclipse is a secretly marked deck of 25 ESP cards (+ gaffs) meaning that YOU know which card your spectator is holding at any time by secretly glimpsing the marks on the back. But these marks are like NO other.
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Black EditionECLIPSEDEE_BLK$45.00
Item Family
Pandora's Box by Andrew Presents
An effect that can never be missing on your repertoire!
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Warriors of the Stars: Zodiac Playing Cards by Blue Moon Co.
The 12 Warriors of the Stars (being the 12 Zodiacs) are on the lookout of evil being introduced, perhaps soon when they sense the 'evil aura' around space. Therefore, with every Zodiac's strength and weakness, they have each other's backs to protect the stars and sky.
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Item Code
Midnight BlueCARDSWAR_BLU$21.00
Morning SunCARDSWAR_SUN$21.00
Item Family
House by the Window Tarot Deck by TCC
House by the Window Tarot Deck by TCC
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Medusa's Eye (Mini) Tarot Deck (CARDSMED_MINI) Playing Cards, No Skill Required
As a Mini edition, the tuck box features Bamboo Moon Blue and Glaze Blue as the primary colors. The design, featuring a "Resurrection Potion," symbolizes the element of water. According to legend, whe...
R: $25.00
Forest Spirit Playing Cards
Forest Spirit Playing Cards (CARDSFOREST_SPIRIT) Playing Cards
Set against the dim mountainous plum blossoms, as dense fog rises and birds fly away, it presents an ultimate fantasy aesthetic. The card faces present a concept of ancient elegance, showcasing exquis...
R: $15.00
Mountain Demon (Gilded) Playing Cards
Mountain Demon (Gilded) Playing Cards (CARDSMOUNT_DEM) Playing Cards
Set against the dim mountainous plum blossoms, as dense fog rises and birds fly away, it presents an ultimate fantasy aesthetic. The card faces present a concept of ancient elegance, showcasing exquis...
R: $20.00
The Adventures of the Amazing Kreskin
The Adventures of the Amazing Kreskin (ADVENTURESKRES) Book, Beginner
This is a fun book that is an easy read. It reads like a superhero origin story, memoire, and graphic novel, with some lighthearted adventures that Kreskin experienced throughout his career. As descri...
R: $20.00
Item Family
Card Holders Deluxe
Card Holders Deluxe
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Item Code
Z-Wallet Deluxe - DozenDeluxeZ_WALLETDLX12$43.95
1 transparent pockets + 1 hidden pocketDeluxeCARDHOLDER_DLX1P$2.50
1 transparent pockets + 1 hidden pocketDeluxe CARDHOLDER_DLX1P12$17.95
2 transparent pockets + 1 hidden pocket - Dozen Deluxe CARDHOLDER_DLX12$18.95
2 transparent pocketsDeluxe CARDHOLDER$2.50
Double CompartmentRegularCARDHOLDER_DOUBLE$1.35
2 transparent pockets + 1 hidden pocketDeluxe CARDHOLDER_DLX$2.60
Double Compartment - DozenRegularCARDHOLDER_DOUBLE12$9.95
Single CompartmentRegularCARDHOLDER_SINGLE$1.35
Single Compartment - DozenRegularCARDHOLDER_SINGLE12$6.95
Z-Wallet -SingleDeluxeZ_WALLETDLX$5.95
SILHOUETTE STARS by Rizki and Masuda
SILHOUETTE STARS by Rizki and Masuda (SILHOUETTESTARS) Trick, Intermediate
Mr./Ms. Rizki Nanda, an Indonesia magician, has created a very unique magic based on the WOW gimmick! The silhouette in the photo frame changes as if it were CG. Effects:Have them look at the cards of...
R: $71.00
Item Family
Roots Playing Cards by Room One
A brand-new series designed for your everyday carry. With standard faces and specific chosen stock, these cards are perfect for magic tricks, cardistry, and daily use.
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Mental Frame by Vernet
Mental Frame by Vernet (MENTALFRAME) Trick, Beginner
Effect: The magician shows a frame with 4 different colored socks hanging on it with clothespins. He shows the pairs of those 4 socks and places them in a paper bag. A spectator chooses one sock at ra...
R: $190.00
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