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On August 20, 1925, one of the most influential figures in magic and mentalism was born.

Antonius Albertus de Vries, better known as Tony Anverdi, created some of the most advanced and innovative concepts in the history of magic.

Anverdi was born in Leiden, Holland. His interest in magic first peaked as a young child however, as time went on, he steadily focused on inventing and creating original magic effects and methods.

Anverdi's creations flourished in the 1960s & 1970s. This was partially due to his performance at the 1961 FISM in Switzerland as well as his lecture at 1964 FISM in Barcelona.

Immediately after this historic lecture, Anverdi was asked to grace the cover of Genii Magazine, this increased his visibility and popularity amongst magicians of the day.

Although his catalog of creations is quite lengthy, some of Anverdi's more popular effects include; COLOR MATCH, MENTAL DIE, KEY BOX, SPIRIT BELL, TALKING SKULL, SURPRISE BOX, WONDER RING and FLOATING DIE.

Books by Anverdi

One year after the Barcelona Lecture, his set of lecture notes "Miracles with Liquids" was released. Even though the book was well received, it wouldn't be until almost ten years later that another Anverdi publication would be released.

In 1992 "50 Years of Magical Creations" was published. This book has become highly collectable.

"50 Years of Magical Creations" was groundbreaking as it not only included some of his most popular effects but also included the electronic diagrams and workings of these highly innovative creations.

Antonius Albertus de Vries died on January 31, 1995 at the age of sixty nine. Five years after his passing, the rights to his complete catalog were purchased by Dirk de Graefein. Dirk then sold the rights to Wolfgang Wollet in October, 2000. The rights to the complete Anverdi catalog were finally purchased by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc. in September of 2010 (to present day).

Over the years there have been many versions of Anverdi's effects marketed without authorization from the right holders. Because of the advancements in technology, some of these versions contained more updated methods as well as the latest advancements in electronics.

The Anverdi products produced by Murphy's Magic Supplies are the only official and most technologically advanced versions of Anverdi's effects to date.

Murphy's is proud to introduce Anderdi's creative effects to a new generation of magicians and collectors. The first effect released is Mental Dice.

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