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"I was completely fooled by 'this' and when I saw how it worked, I realized only João could have invented such a clever solution."
- Joshua Jay

"A very, very clever idea!"
- Dani Ortiz

"João Miranda continues to demonstrate a level of creativity that places him amongthe all-time greatest minds in the development of incredibly clever and practicalapparatus. Not only will the functionality of Timeless make you smile, in the righthands, it will absolutely slay. This is closing effect level stuff!"
- Eric Samuels

João Miranda is a highly-respected magic creator having created original illusionsfor some of the biggest names in magic., including; David Copperfield, Lu Chen,Xavier Mortimer as well as many others.

TIMELESS uses a new concept in magic that takes the classic "object to impossiblelocation" to new heights. The effect is so strong you could close any show, large or small with TIMELESS.

A Beautifuly packaged box is placed on a table before the performance beggins. Themagician then borrows any small object from the audiance, has it signed then makesit vanish!

The magician then walks over to the table and picks up the mysterious package.The package is opened, and from it the spectator removes a red gift box tied with aGolden bow. The spectator then unties the bow, removes the lid and finds inside abeautiful wrist watch. The watch is cleanly placed on the spectators palm.

Without ANY suspicious moves the magician cleanly unscrews the back of thewatch. The back is then lifted off of the watch and the borrowed object is foundinside!

TIMELESS combines everyday objects and modern technology, making the trick100% automatic and self-contained.

Take a look at this features:
  • The cleverly gimmicked boxes and hidden electronic system does all thework for you.
  • You will be blown away once you see the ingenius method behind the trick!
  • The trick works 100% automatically being the boxes and watch handledfreely by the spectators
  • The trick can be performed in either close-up, parlor or stage conditions.
  • Due to the clever way the gimmicks are built the trick is very easy to perform.
TIMELESS comes in 2 different designs; Classic and Sport

Timeless comes complete ready to perform. Also included are several routines andideas including a mind-blowing mentalism effect.

There's still TIME to Sign-up for a chance to WIN one!

See the interview with the creator, Joao and see if you won!
Airs on facebook live on December 19th at 10:00 am PST.


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