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Mini Spirit Slates (Magnetic) by Quique Marduk
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Spirit Slates has been used by magicians and mentalists for years. It is basically a stage trick, but with these pocket size slates you can perform the same miracles on close up conditions.

One of these slates is magnetic, that is a great advantage to be able to give the slates to be examined at the end. The general effect is to show 2 slates blank on both sides, and then, in a mysterious manner cause writing or pictures to appear on one or two of the slates. Maybe the answer to a question, a prediction, the name of a selected playing card, a date, a drawing etc.

Two little slates are freely shown on both sides, one slate is placed directly over the other and the sides squared up. The spectator selects a card, and it is returned to the deck. Let's us say it is the 3 of Hearts. When the slates are separated the 3 of Hearts is written upon them.

Use any Board Marker (not included) and erase it with a dry cloth.