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BIGBLINDMEDIA Presents Nothing but the Truth (Download and Gimmicks) by Cameron Francis


"Cameron has come up with a really great Lie detector routine that can be carried and introduced anytime in your performance. I love this so much I’ve added it to my own professional repertoire." -Paul Romhany, !VanishMagazine
A killer, self working packet trick that comes with 5 specially printed USPCC gaff cards.

"Incredibly awesome effect that I highly recommend you purchase." 4.5/5, -Jeff Stone, Magic

A card is selected by a spectator and hidden away. The magician (that's you) then reaches into their pocket and retrieves a state of the art Lie Detector machine. (Ok, it's actually a small packet of beautifully printed cards that you carry round in your wallet or purse).

A series of questions are asked of the spectator. "Is your card red or black? Is it a spot card or a court card?" - That kind of thing. The spectator can choose to honourably tell the truth or fib like an incorrigible scoundrel.

Each answer is 'input' into the lie detector (by placing one card from the top of the packet to the bottom for each letter of the random response), and the new top card is flipped face up. Incredibly this reveals either the word TRUTH or LIE (depending on whether the spectator was honest or not)!

Through this process the magician is able to correctly determine the value of the card picked by the spectator.

But that isn't the end of the trick. No siree bob! In a mind blowing display of magic awesomeness you now flip the lie detector packet over and show that ALL of the cards are in fact duplicates of the spectators chosen card!!

Funny, commercial, engaging and insane FUN, Nothing But The Truth is the perfect packet trick. It slips into your pocket, but plays HUGE! It is self working (with some more advanced handling options offered on the DVD) and leaves a lasting impression on audiences of all sizes!

  • Self working - perform with NO sleights!
  • Contains 5 specially printed Bicycle Cards.
  • Packs tiny, plays huge. This is an involving and entertaining routine, that can incorporate numerous spectators.
  • High production values and excellent indepth teaching. Includes self working and more advanced handling.


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