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Miracles For Mortals Volume One by Geoff Williams
R: $35.00
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"...This should, in my opinion be your next magic purchase...This DVD set, by far, is one of best things I've reviewed in a long, long time. " -Jeff Stone, MyLovelyAssistant

Full Review
Volume One Contents:
ELECTRICAL ARTLET - Boom box cord too short to reach the wall outlet? No problem; just draw an outlet on a pad of paper, plug in the cord and the music starts right up! Based on a Fantasio effect and used with his permission.
UPLOOPTED - A horizontal card levitation that looks UNBELIEVABLE!
THE "I HATE DAVID COPPERFIELD" TRICK - Based on "Close-Up Illusion" by Larry Jennings, a card VISIBLY MELTS through another. The visuals here go WAY BEYOND the original.
THE OMEGA BET - Based on the Karl Fulves effect, Bob Wagner has turned this into a KILLER piece of entertainment, a 5-phase whirlwind of fun for everyone in the room! A random spectator decides the final, and most impossible, bet of all. The routine uses my false overhand shuffle (which is quite easy but appears totally fair).
MORE ON "OIL & WATER" - Sam Schwartz's wondrous 3-phase, 8-card O & W routine with NO SLEIGHTS! NONE! Thanks to Sam for allowing me to include this gem with minor handling changes.
MIRACLE COIN VANISH - This gets GASPS from spectators. Looks like real magic. (Note: a jacket or sportcoat is required)
JUST A BIT MORE ULTIMATE THAN JOHN MENDOZA'S "ULTIMATE TORN & RESTORED CARD" - The name says it all. In an e-mail to me, Mr. Mendoza (a close-up DEITY) said he thinks more of this method (of his trick which appeared in "The Book of John") than any of the "piece-by-piece" restorations out there. You're clean at the first and clean at the end. As a bonus, it's SUPER EASY to do even though the card is SIGNED ON BOTH SIDES!
Volume One Bonus Effects:
INVISIBLE DECK FINESSE - Makes using an Invisible Deck more fun than ever (and the reset is DURING the routine).
FORKLIFT - Move silverware with your mind!
4-WAY COINCIDENCE - A reworking of a stunning prediction routine by John Murray from "Card Cavalcade 3" by Jerry Mentzer (included with Jerry's permission). Use a borrowed, thoroughly-shuffled deck. There's only one real "move" (which is laughably simple).
Running Time: Approximately 1hr 50min