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Zak Mirzadeh's Backstab is the most impossible "Stab To Your Card" trick ever! Your spectator selects a card and loses it in the pack. With nothing more than your trusty pocket knife (or your spectator's pocket knife) - you stab straight to their selection for a miraculous "Card At Number" effect! Did we mention the card can also be SIGNED! No blocks of cards, no dupes, and nothing added or taken away! Backstab takes an impossible skill and makes you a master within minutes. With Backstab, you'll never "cut" to a card in the same way again!
  • Includes gimmicks that allow you to perform the impossible
  • Includes over an hour of expert instruction taught by Zak Mirzadeh
  • Gimmicks are ready to perform right out of the box, but customization to any custom deck is easy!
  • No forces or dupes - selection can be signed!
  • Requires no difficult sleights
  • No large blocks of cards
  • Knife can be yours or even borrowed!
Put the edge back into your magic with Zak Mirzadeh's Backstab!

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