Any Card. At Any Number. The Holy Grail of all Magic... has been solved.
With bold claims you must provide undeniable proof. It's time to unveil
The Atomic Deck.
When David Berglass first created the ACAAN, he gifted the Magic community
a seemingly impossible puzzle that many thought to be unsolvable. A
Penrose Triangle of never ending mystery.
But... In early 2021 Craig Petty made a discovery that would shake the
foundations of the entire Magic industry. Laying way to a new realm of
what we never thought was possible.
With The Atomic Deck, here is exactly what happens. Every. Single. Time.
The Magician places the deck openly on the table. Everyone is asked to
think of any card. And any number. No Forces. The audience doubles down by
making sure that they avoid commonly selected cards and numbers. They can
change their mind as many times as they wish. Once everyone is satisfied
that their choices were uninfluenced and fair, the Magician slowly and
clearly picks up the deck, eyes burning their every mico movement. They
begin dealing slowly and deliberately dealing cards, one by one until the
number is reached... The Magician turns the card over and it is the exact
c ard they were merely thinking of.
Every. Single. Time.
Marc Paul, friend and student of David Berglass, literally wrote the rules for the ACAAN. He wa s also the only person that David allowed to perform his ACAAN. He did so on national UK television in a video that cemented itself in magic history as one of the most perfect ACAAN performances of all time. What we're saying is, Marc Paul is possibly one of, if not, the most qualified person alive today to talk about the ACAAN. When Craig showed him The Atomic Deck, this is what he said:
"That is the Berglass effect... You've cracked it. This is every magicians dream... It's the closest version to The Holy Grail that I've seen anyone do."
We know. This all sounds too good to be true. What are the drawbacks?
We'll be upfront and tell you.
Firstly, If you perform this to a Magician and they examine the deck, what
they'll see it's not an ordinary deck of ca rds. As you can see in the
trailer, if you perform it for non - magicians, they can look through the
cards quite openly, although we wouldn't recommend letting them keep it
Secondly, unlike the large majority of other ACAAN's that exist, The
Atomic Deck requires no mental maths. Instead, we use the power of
something that everyone has on them everyday. Their phone. With the tools
included, the audien ce will cleverly code all the information that you
need to know to perform this miracle. You don't need your phone or any
sneaky peek device. It's all done in a natural and organic way that never
feels like it's even part of the trick
The third drawback... This isn't real magic. But it is as close as we're
goin g to get. And once you see the method, you'll understand why. Hidden
in the presentation, the gimmicks, and the tools that come with Atomic
Deck, the moment you start, gears begin spinning behind the scenes doing
all the hard work for you, making this look as effortless as real magic.
Those of you familiar with some of Craig's other work may be thinking that
this uses roughing spray, roughing stick, powder, wax etc. Well, thanks to
the intense pursuit for p erfection, we've developed a truly revolutionary
procedure that means there is literally no roughing chemicals at all used
with The Atomic Deck. Meaning each deck comes straight off the press and
into the box. Precise, identical and perfect every single ti me. And even
better, your Atomic Deck will last you as long as any normal deck of cards
because there really is nothing to rub off or wear away.
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