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2020 DECKADE Playing Cards by CardCutz
CARDSDECKADE )  Playing Cards


2020, 'nuff said.

Deckade Playing Cards by CardCutz showcases a unique design, releasing in an even more unique year - 2020. The modern and minimalistic 2020 text on the back overlapping the red to yellow gradient along with the enhanced face cards, make your card routines and flourishes stand out, while still being recognisable for magic and card games. Deckade can move effortlessly from magic to cardistry to being a collector's item; how can we possibly forget 2020!

This deck also celebrates Edo Huang, the designer, designing playing cards for 10 years! His experience and expertise in designing minimalistic, yet elegant playing cards can be shown through this deck. It's a deck you're bound to love!

Limited edition of 2,500 decks.

Printed by the U.S Playing Card Company on a thin crushed stock.


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