Everything happens in the spectators hands. After a card is chosen and a random digit from the credit card number is picked the card is located AT the chosen number IN a shuffled deck. They look back at the credit card but the digits are no longer there... Instead, they see the prediction that's IMPRINTED where the numbers were a minute ago.
"The simpler ideas are sometimes the best and while this is simple the impact is very strong. When the person turns over the Visa card they will be blown away that their card is now embossed on the card." -Paul Romhany, !VanishMagazine
Artifex proudly presents to you best credit card routine, coming from an ingenious mind of Nazar Kayumov, a modern-day miracle that's been carefully worked on and perfected over a course of a few years. We bring you an astonishing routine using one of the most familiar 21 century object that is incredibly practical, fits right in your wallet, very easy to perform, building onto our philosophy of magic that should be strong, minimalistic and direct.
21-century miracle in your wallet.
Classy modern effect.
Resets instantly.
Easy to do.
Direct and practical.
it'll get you gigs.
The best credit card routine on the market.
Killer reactions.
CREDiTKA, everything happens in the spectators hands - you start with a devastatingly direct ACAAN effect; after a card is chosen and a random digit from the credit card number is picked the card is located AT the chosen number IN a shuffled deck.
Then the kicker - An unbelievable transformation that seemingly takes place in-between their hands!
They look back at the credit card but the digits are no longer there... Instead, they see the prediction that's IMPRINTED where the numbers were a minute ago.
You will perform this.
We give you the power to wow. Use it wisely.