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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc. only provides wholesale magic supplies to magic resellers. We do not provide retail sales to individuals. Magicians, you are welcome to view our site and check out the products, but please contact your favorite dealer to purchase. Feel free to call us for a dealer in your area.

We strive to offer the best customer service in the industry. You will receive friendly, personal attention every time you order. We make it our number one priority to get you the products you need when you need them.

If you are interested in becoming a Murphy's Dealer Click Here.
If you would like Murphy's to produce or distribute your product please Click Here.

Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.

11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Toll Free Phone 1-800-853-7403
Phone (916) 853-9292
Fax (916) 853-9494
Domestic Toll Free Fax Line 1-866-853-0866
Hours 7:30 - 4:30 PM (PST)


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